eShipRate Feature List

Origin-Based Shipping
  • Origin Zip Codes: Calculate shipping from multiple origins and combine rates for orders from different locations.
Intelligent Box Fit Calculations
  • Advanced Algorithms: Determines if items will fit in a box and splits orders into multiple boxes if needed.
  • Flat-Rate Box Services: Supports FedEx One Rate and UPS Simple Rate, ensuring items fit in flat-rate boxes.
Efficient Multi-Box Shipments
  • Even Weight Distribution: Divides orders into evenly weighted packages to avoid heavyweight surcharges.
Free Shipping Options
  • Customizable Free Shipping: Set free shipping for individual items, specific regions, or entire orders based on value thresholds.
Real-Time Rates
  • Global Integration: Provides real-time rates from UPS, FedEx, USPS, and integrates with almost any shipping company worldwide.
  • Freight Company Support: Easily integrate with freight companies for large shipments.
Item-Specific Shipping Rules
  • Per Box Limits: Limit specific items per box, such as batteries, and set rules for item combinations.
  • Flat Rates for Discounts: Set exact shipping costs and create quantity discounts.
Custom Discounts & Surcharges
  • Flexible Rules: Add or subtract amounts or percentages based on item count, order value, or weight.
Shipping Method Blocking
  • Method Restrictions: Prevent specific shipping methods for certain items.
Multi-Box Items
  • Large Item Handling: Manage items requiring multiple boxes, with detailed weight and dimension settings.
Delivery Date Estimates
  • Accurate Estimates: Show customers estimated delivery dates considering holidays and weekends.
Multi-Platform Support
  • eCommerce Integration: Currently available for Shopify, with upcoming integrations for Turbify, Big Commerce, Woo Commerce, and Adobe.
User-Friendly Backend
  • Easy Navigation: Simple setup and management of product shipping data, with CSV upload support.
  • Shipping Rate Tester: Test your shipping rules with real items.
  • Mobile Compatibility: Manage your settings easily from your phone.
Exceptional Customer Support
  • In-House Support: Phone, text, and email support during business hours, with emergency after-hours support available.

Coming Soon!

We’re excited to announce some new features that will soon be available on eShipRate to further enhance your shipping experience:

Nested Items
  • Efficient Packing: Handle items that can fit inside each other, like paper cups, to optimize space and reduce shipping costs.
Weather-Based Shipping Rules
  • Dynamic Adjustments: Set shipping rules based on weather conditions to ensure timely and safe deliveries.
Multiple Origin Zip Codes
  • Flexible Shipping Locations: Manage items that can ship from multiple locations, offering greater flexibility and efficiency.
Stay tuned for these upcoming features to make your shipping process even more seamless and efficient with eShipRate!